I love going to game jams and I attended quite a few. I love the socializing aspect and the energy that sparks all the ideas at the start of the event. Great for new ideas, testing recent tech or plugins and to get inspired.

All of these games were created in 48 hours maximum and all are solo Ludum Dare except The Loop.


Trees! is a procedural puzzle game where you have to grow a tree. To do so you can choose between different elements and you must reach the objective points (Stars) to finish the level.


It’s hard to predict the procedural shape in advance so it’s a lot of trial and error, but it’s quite fun to do so. It’s possible to create a LOT of different trees.

Created for LD#34. Theme: Grow. 2015

Back Home

Experimental and cinematic mini game, Back Home is more like a long cinematic than an actual game. You play in a ship drifting into space, and you listen to the dialogue between the captain and Navi, the ship AI.


I wrote the story and did the voice over myself, and it was super fun. Also loved working on the visual effects for the stars and black hole.

Created for LD#31. Theme: Entire game on one screen. 2014


In 2014 I created Sideline, a dual stick shooter with multiple space-time-color dimensions. For the first time I composed my own music and sound effects. The trick is that the game changes depending on which direction the player is going:

  • Going Up the player can shoot

  • Going Down the player automatically gets upgrades for his ship

  • Going Left Time is slowed down

  • Going Right the player moves faster


When you start to get the hang of the directional dependant gameplay the game starts to be fun. We had a lot of fun trying to beat each other’s score.

Created for LD#30. Theme: Connected Worlds. 2014

Happy Fishing

This is a strange one! I teamed up with Damian and we created a game both with Unity and Flash. You can read his article about Happy Fishing, but to summarize:

“My platform of choice is Flash, while Alexis' is Unity, and while we've crossed over once or twice, it had been a while, so we decided to use both our strengths to come up with the most convoluted stack possible :D Thus the Flash -> JavaScript -> Unity -> JavaScript -> Flash flow was born. Proof indeed that JavaScript is the great equaliser.

Flash would control the game, capturing input and sending messages to Unity when game objects passed out of the screen. Unity would then take over execution until it came back to Flash. Each game could focus on what it does best: Flash on 2D and vector graphics, Unity on 3D and fancy screen effects that take about a minute to apply.”


The game finished second in the innovation category, I guess it had never been done before!

Otherwise the game was pretty bad, technology didn’t save us.


The top part is a Flash game

The bottom part is a Unity game

Created for Ludum Dare #29. Theme: Beneath The Surface. 2014

The Last Rainbow

For my first solo Ludum Dare I made a simple game for mobile.


The goal of the game is to rotate the planet to bounce a magical ball and extend the rainbow as much as possible.

Created for Ludum Dare 10 years anniversary. 2012

The Loop

My first Global Game Jam in 2012, The Loop was inspired by Flow and Geometry Wars (pacifism mode), it’s a top down shooter in which you cannot shoot. Instead you have to circle around enemies to destroy them.


Red arrows and green squares are enemies that you must completely surround to kill. The pink and blue structure is a boss, to kill it all blue links must be traversed.

Created for Global Game Jam 2012. Theme: The Ouroboros.

Snake In Starcraft 2

In 2010 I recreated Snake into the Starcraft 2 engine. It plays very well!

Life Is One Hard Level

This experimental game is about the course of a life and how the world can be distilled into a few major necessities: love, money, and philosophy. In the game you are free to do anything you want with these symbols and sometime you will find that you didn't make the right choice. When you lose, it's not the end of the game but only a new beginning. Each Game Over could maybe teach you something about your mistakes.


With enough efforts you can find a partner, but you could also try to reach the money, and maybe find enlightenment, maybe higher?

Created in one week for the Experimental Gameplay Competition, 2009


Ubisoft R&D


MSc Thesis