I worked 4 years at Ubisoft in a Research & Development team focused on gameplay and new technologies. We partnered with first parties (Sony, Nintendo & Microsoft), hardware vendors, middleware developers and other research labs to create new gaming experiences.
I was hired in the Gameplay Engineer position, with most of my time spent on prototyping. After 1 or 2 years I started to assist Ubisoft in other ways, with hard tech research, partnerships, management, recruitment and some legal tech and financial tech matters.
Some notable projects I worked on:
Custom game engine for prototyping, quickly delivering gameplay was our #1 objective. Work on scripting, data & entity paradigms, doc, multiplayer, level editor
Evangelize Ubisoft studios with gameplay & prototyping philosophies using our custom game engine, workshops with internal studios and internal consulting
Prototypes for Assassin’s Creed, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell
Sandbox AI system for shooting games / Ghost Recon franchise
PS Vita Lumines prototype for Daft Punk
Lots of Kinect prototypes, for Child of Eden, MotionSports, Your Shape, Rabbits, Just Dance / Michael Jackson
High quality Kinect demo with lots of exotic gameplay and production values made in Unreal Engine (demoed to Spielberg)
Representing Ubisoft for OpenVibe a European research project in partnership with Inria, Inserm, CEA, Kylotonn and Blacksheep studio
Representing Ubisoft on trade shows and with important partners (Google, nVidia, etc.)
Helping the Ubisoft legal team with tech contracts
Meeting potential tech partners for M&A
Created a prototype that was basically Rez + Kinect, and it was made into a full game called Child of Eden, shown at the Ubisoft press conference in 2010.
Creater another prototype for a flying wingsuit control with Kinect that we used for the paragliding sport in MotionSports and that was also used for the wingsuit gameplay in the sequel MotionSports Adrenaline.